Monday, June 20, 2016

Review of New York Post's Review of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

"Critic unsuccesfully dons the Reviewer Hat in misguided review"

There seems to be a pattern of Batman v Superman reviewers that come off as if they never saw the movie.  Lou Lumenick continues this trend, first by stating that 3 years have passed since Superman's and Zod's battle (it was actually 18 months written right on the screen), and second by completely and utterly missing Batman's premise stating Batman seems jealous Superman gets better press.

Lumenick calls the superhero battle anticlimactic further driving the point that he missed what this movie was all about.  Batman's completes his character arc in an emotional scene at the end of the fight.  Stating that the individual scenes of the movie never cohere into a whole shows oversight of the overall motifs and parallels that permeate each scene.  And claiming that Snyder never clearly establishes the rules of the DC Comics universe makes me question what movie he was watching given nearly the entire movie was about the principles governing conduct within this universe.

Lumenick claims there is no sense of danger.  I have to wonder what he means by this?  Does a movie like "A Few Good Men" have a sense of danger?  How about "Shawshank Redeption"?  Batman v Superman at its heart is a drama with an action-packed final act.  To say that the demolition of an iconic landmark carries no weight ignores the entire commentary that threads this film, undermines Lex's elaborate scheme, and dismisses the turmoil Superman struggles with.  He says Batman is self-loathing like its a bad thing when in reality its a truth that plays into the story.  He says Superman spends far too much time reacting to others, but that is part of the commentary of the film and of the bigoted segregation he endures.

Lumenick's argument that the ending is designed strictly to set up a planned Justice League movie holds no water given it does little to do so.  On the contrary it sums up the  growth and development of the characters and the world while giving repose from the climactic battle.

New York Post's Review:

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